
Showing posts from August, 2019

3 Things You Should Avoid Doing On & Around Artificial Turfs

Most high-quality artificial turfs are highly durable and very easy to maintain. They also look gorgeous for years regardless of the seasonable changes! However, your artificial turf is not bullet-proof. And even though it saves you from its ongoing maintenance, there are some things that you should look to avoid. This post discusses 3 ‘NOT To Do’ things in and around your artificial turf. “Never Use Harmful Chemicals.” The first thing to avoid when dealing with artificial turfs is not to use harmful chemicals. Majority of a rtificial grass in Mandurah (if not all) are made out of nylon, polypropylene or polyethene properties. In other words, each of them are petroleum-based components, which means they should never be exposed to the harsh chemicals or any oil-based paints that can damage or degrade the turf surface. If by chance some chemicals do fall over the turf, it can cause discolouration or permanent stains- which might last for a long time! “Don’T Expose It To...