3 Expert Tips for Preserving Your Landscape Designs Before Renovation

So finally you have decided to upgrade your home and all you are worried about is about the health of the garden landscape designs! Although building contractors put their best efforts to execute the task in a safe and efficient manner, however, damage to trees, shrubs and delicate garden beds are inevitable. Use of heavy equipment such as bobcats, dumpsters wrecks the earth’s surface with their heavyweight, crushing the natural structure and squeezing oxygen out of the soil. The compaction threatens the earth’s surface and health of garden plantations, shrubs, water features and even lawns. Here are some precautionary measures you may follow to minimise damage to your newly constructed landscape designs before undertaking the house renovation project. Big Trees Needs Best Protection Make sure you fence off trees matching to their drip line in order to protect the root systems. However, you need to abide by a few protocols such as adding 2'inch mulch to the roots ...