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Just like natural grass, artificial grass too needs care as well as maintenance. These tips are especially meant so that your yard continues to remain green throughout the year. A lot of homeowners prefer choosing artificial grass over natural turfs owing to their natural ability to thrive despite exposure to external elements. Furthermore these artificial lawns are low on maintenance which however means that with little care you can expect the lawn to thrive for an extended period of time. Its true even if they are made of synthetic turfs these artificial lawns demand a certain level of attention to continue looking fresh.

Some of the major factors you need to take into consideration when it comes to maintenance of artificial lawns are as follows:

Artificial grass comes with unique needs

Artificial grass is not the same as real grass. It demands routine maintenance. Although, they are not susceptible to fungi/weed infestation or other kinds of contamination artificial lawns are vulnerable to wear. Especially when they are placed near high traffic area, artificial turf can easily get damaged. They require time as well as attention after you have got them installed.

Care and maintenance for artificial turf

Day to day maintenance of artificial turf is compulsory. Although staining isn’t much of an issue with natural grass, for artificial grass however stain management is mandatory. Spills and stains on natural grass can be resolved by mowing. However, artificial grass needs different kinds of treatments in order to look absolutely fresh. These synthetic turfs demand stain management to look good for an extended period of time.

Maintaining synthetic turf for milder stains

It’s hard to avoid spills and drops at the backyard or lawn if you throw parties or simply enjoy occasional barbeque with your loved ones and friends. These spills furthermore leave marks on the turf. According to experts maintaining Synthetic Turf in Mandurah when the stains are milder is comparatively simpler. All you will need to do is be prompt in removing the stain and grime so that the blades of the grass don’t get stained for life. This apart you can use blotting paper to remove liquid spillage. Use dry absorbent for removing litter.

Treating synthetic turf for stubborn stains

Stubborn stains are those which are hard to remove. Grease, motor oil, suntan oil and cooking oil often lead to stubborn stains on turfs. You can first approach the synthetic grass with household cleaners or try out mineral spirits to get them cleaned.

During Synthetic Grass Installation in Mandurah you ought to keep these aspects in mind.

Make sure you are paying attention to the lovely synthetic turf.


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